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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
AR-25-080 11. Council - Consent CalendarWaive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda   Not available Not available
AR-25-078 12. Council - Consent CalendarApprove Action Minutes of February 11, 2025   Not available Not available
AR-25-091 13. Council - Consent CalendarApprove List of Demands   Not available Not available
AR-25-082 14. Council - Consent CalendarAdopt Ordinance No. 2025-01 Amending Title 17 of the Temecula Municipal Code Regarding Off-Site Wayfinding Signs Within the Temecula Auto Mall (Second Reading)   Not available Not available
AR-25-083 15. Council - Consent CalendarAdopt Ordinance No. 2025-02 Amending the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program to Update Participation (Second Reading)   Not available Not available
AR-25-084 16. Council - Consent CalendarAdopt Resolution Establishing an Electronic Signature Use Policy   Not available Not available
AR-25-086 17. Council - Consent CalendarAward Construction Contract to Leonida Builders Inc. for Bridge Maintenance, PW23-08   Not available Not available
AR-25-087 18. Council - Consent CalendarApprove Fifth Amendment to Agreement with Nieves Landscape, Inc. for Additional Landscape Maintenance Services   Not available Not available
AR-25-088 19. Council - Consent CalendarApprove Agreement with Downstream Services, Inc. for Trash Capture Filter Devices Installation   Not available Not available
AR-25-089 110. Council - Consent CalendarApprove Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Bike Lane Upgrades - Citywide Project, PW23-10   Not available Not available
AR-25-090 111. Council - Consent CalendarReceive and File Temporary Street Closures for Temecula Sunset Market   Not available Not available
AR-25-079 112. CSD - Consent CalendarApprove Action Minutes of February 11, 2025   Not available Not available
AR-25-095 113. CSD - Consent CalendarReceive and File Presentation from the Homeless Outreach Team   Not available Not available
AR-25-093 114. CSD - Consent CalendarApprove Sponsorship Agreement with American Red Cross for Monthly Blood Drives   Not available Not available
AR-25-094 115. CSD - Consent CalendarApprove Agreement with Garden State Fireworks, Inc. for 4th of July Fireworks Display   Not available Not available
AR-25-096 116. CSD - Consent CalendarApprove Fourth Amendment with Wild West Junk Removal LLC for Dangerous and Unhealthy Cleanup Services   Not available Not available
AR-25-103 117. Council - BusinessApprove Employment Agreement with Matthew D. Peters for the Position of Director of Community Development   Not available Not available
AR-25-101 118. Council - BusinessReceive Presentation Regarding Local Wildfire Mitigation Efforts in the City and Provide General Direction Regarding the Same (At the Request of Council Member Rahn)   Not available Not available
AR-25-097 119. Council - Departmental ReportsCommunity Development Department Monthly Report   Not available Not available
AR-25-081 120. Council - Departmental ReportsFire Department Monthly Report   Not available Not available
AR-25-092 121. Council - Departmental ReportsPolice Department Monthly Report   Not available Not available
AR-25-085 122. Council - Departmental ReportsPublic Works Department Monthly Report   Not available Not available